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Quick Fix allows car owners to get help with their car issues by connecting them to a mechanic right away.

UX designer
UI designer
IXD designer
UX researcher

User interviews
User personas
Site map
Low-high fidelity wireframes
Clickable prototypes

Project details
Duration 6 months

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In 2022 my mother was on a road trip when her tire blew. She didn’t know what to do in this situation and could not get a hold of anyone. This was obviously a super stressful and scary situation. This is where the idea for Quick Fix began. I wanted a way for people to get trustworthy advice for their car problems. But to be able to begin I had to frame the problem so I knew what to issue to solve. Through some preliminary discussions with potential users we were able to develop this problem statement.

“Our inexperienced car owner needs a way to communicate with an expert quickly and easily because they can not figure out what is wrong with their car”.

Now I would begin the process of developing a solution.


User Research
I spoke with users to define their opinions and feelings towards our product and the topics surrounding it. This helped me to begin to develop the users journey.

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Affinity Map: Organized quotes and takeaways from user testing

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User Personas
From my exploratory research and user testing I was able to discover two main user personas. These helped me to define who I was building for. User journeys are also included below each respective persona. These show the path this user will take when interacting with the app.

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Creating Structure
Through my previous research I was able to develop this site map.

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